Our Vision

Our vision is to promote the delivery of high quality patient care through the provision of a highly skilled medical workforce.

The aim is for the workforce to be trained and highly skilled in all aspects of patient care and to be equipped and supported with the aim of developing and modifying their knowledge and skills in line with the future changing needs of the service. This means that all doctors completing training under the guidance and support of the Peninsula should be fit to practice, fit for purpose and adaptable.

Core Principles

Our core principles remain constant and are listed below:

  • The needs and expectations of patients are of primary concern;
  • We will always strive for excellence in all aspects of our work – in particular we will aim to support individuals and organisations to promote the best possible standards of learning and development;
  • We will have systems that are fair, equitable and transparent;
  • We will provide a service that is non-discriminatory and will ensure equality for all people involved with our training programmes and our organization;
  • We will ensure equality of opportunity in recruitment and progress through training programmes;
  • We will provide appropriate and applicable careers information, counselling and advice for all doctors during their training;
  • We will always remain approachable and supportive whilst constantly delivering an exceptional service;
  • Wherever possible we will work in partnership with others involved in learning and development;
  • We will have systems in place to continually assess the quality of the service we provide;
  • We will endeavour to ensure that our organisation is run as efficiently and effectively as possible in all areas;
  • Our vision is to develop the individual by complementing high quality clinical capabilities with good medical practice. This is to be facilitated through the quality and effectiveness of educators and as a result of working within an environment supportive of learning.


Peninsula Postgraduate Medical Education is responsible for:

  • Organising, accrediting and reviewing educational and training activities for doctors;
  • Monitoring quality standards in medical education and assessing the educational value of training posts;
  • Operating the appointment process for the selection of doctors to the specialist registrar training grade;
  • Implementing and developing a framework for regular appraisal, assessment and annual review of higher specialist trainees;
  • Managing the training schemes for general medical practitioners;
  • Administering the scheme for foundation training;
  • Providing careers information and advice to those in training;
  • Advising on the needs and legal requirements of overseas doctors entering training in the South West Peninsula;
  • Administering the regional budgets for the training and study leave of doctors in the training grades;
  • Maintaining an accurate and up-to-date database of doctors in training;
  • Ensuring revalidation processes are in place for doctors in training;
  • Ensuring all our trainees are adequately trained to deliver the best possible educational experience and support for our trainees;
  • Providing appropriate support wherever possible for those trainees who encounter difficulties.