Postgraduate Certificates Fund 2024/2025




GUIDANCE and PROCESS to apply for:

University of Exeter

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Education
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership and Management
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Health Research Methods
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Genomic Medicine (Online)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Health data Science
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Public Health

University of Plymouth

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Education
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Healthcare Management, Leadership and Innovation
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Global Health

Medics Academy in collaboration with University of Lancashire

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Practice, Management and Education
  • Intermediate Level One Programme (IL1)



The Application Process
The Award
Review of the Award
Review of the Process
Postgraduate Programmes



Postgraduate Doctors in Training (PGDiT) on a recognised training programme within the Southwest Postgraduate Medical Education Deanery (Peninsula & Severn) who wish to study the following are invited to submit an application for funding support: 


University of Exeter 

Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Education 

Postgraduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership & Management 

Postgraduate Certificate in Health Research Methods

Postgraduate Certificate in Genomic Medicine online

Postgraduate Certificate in Health Data Science

Postgraduate Certificate in Public Health 

University of Plymouth 

Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Education 

Postgraduate Certificate in Healthcare Management, Leadership & Innovation 

Postgraduate Certificate in Global Health 

Medics Academy (in collaboration with the University of Lancashire)

Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Practice, Management and Education (September 2024 / January 2025 intake ONLY)

Intermediate Level One Programme (IL1)


The funding awarded can fund up to 50% of the training costs of one year’s fees (excluding residential components).

Only one application per person will be considered for any award offered by the Southwest Postgraduate Medical Education Deanery (Peninsula & Severn), at any time, in any financial year of funding.

Applications are considered and awarded in accordance with the guidance.



When allocating funding the emphasis is on enhancing professional development and, as such, more importance will be placed on how the course contributes to your development rather than the qualification attained on completion.

Applicants must not have received outcome 2 or 3 at most recent ARCP in your last clinical attachment/placement. The TPD/HoS must provide additional comments on the application form for all PGDiTs with an outcome other than 1 for their most recent (or last) clinical attachment.

The applicant must hold a recognised training post with the Southwest Postgraduate Medical Education Deanery (Peninsula & Severn) and a substantive contract of employment for at least 6 months from the start date of the course for which you have applied for funding.

Foundation PGDiTs are not eligible and must discuss with their Head of School any requests for such funding.

Where an applicant is unsure of their place of employment at the beginning of the course evidence must be provided that they will still be registered on a training programme with the Southwest Postgraduate Medical Education Deanery (Peninsula & Severn). Postgraduate Doctors in Training who are considered out of programme (except OOPT) during the year of study for which they are applying will not be eligible.

Postgraduate Doctors in Training on an OOPT will need to be employed in an NHS organisation in the Southwest region to be eligible for funding.

Applicants must secure a place with the appropriate University/provider and complete the University/provider application form separate to the Deanery application form. Your acceptance letter or official email must be attached to your application, or a copy of your email / acceptance letter must be received by our office ( by Sunday 25th August 2024 in order for funding to be approved.

Funding will not be awarded to applicants who have already started the course in the academic year for which they are applying for the funding. Retrospective payment will not be made.


Applicants must notify the Bursary Team via if they defer or fail to take up the course for which they have applied. Failure to inform NHS England Southwest may result in the applicant having to the pay the full amount of the course.

The applicant must obtain signatures of support from the following people when submitting their application:

Core Training

  • Educational Supervisor (ES) OR
  • Director of Medical Education (DME)

Specialty Training (including GP)

  • Educational Supervisor (ES) OR
  • Training Programme Director (TPD)

An email from the DME, TPD or ES in support of this application will be accepted in place of a wet signature.


The applicant must ensure that those supporting the application (as listed above) agree that the course represents an integral part of the PGDiT’s personal development plan (PDP) as identified through the NHS appraisal process.

The applicant must meet the required level of fluency in the English language.

Applicants must sign the GDPR authorisation form to enable the Deanery to request information from the relevant University / course provider relating to the course they are funding. This must be submitted with the application form.

Unsigned or late applications are unable to be considered.


The Application Process

Applications will be dated upon receipt.

An application is not an automatic guarantee to receive funding.

The application process for funding is consistent across all applicants and each application is considered on its own merit. The process for the application is listed below.

Notification of the funding opening window will be supported through:

  • Websites
  • Heads of Schools
  • Postgraduate Medical Education Centre Managers
  • Directors of Medical Education
  • School Managers

Applications for the 2024/25 fund can be submitted from Friday 14th June 2024.


The application form is available here during the application window.


The closing date for applications is Sunday 14th July 2024

Each application must be submitted on the standard application form and will be assessed against the scoring framework found at the end of the application form.

Completed applications must be submitted via email to the following address:

Scan & email to:                               
With a Subject heading:                             PGC Fund

All applications will be acknowledged by an email stating confirmation of submission within 3-5 working days of receipt.

Any queries regarding the application process or an individual application should be emailed to


The Award

The Senior Business and Education Manager is responsible for the funding allocation and is supported by an administrative team.

Each application will be assigned its own unique reference number.

Funds will only be awarded if successful with the application.

Each application will be scored on its own merit and scored against the scoring framework.

Applicants must ensure they have completed the relevant University application process and form for the University of Exeter or Plymouth or the Medics Academy (University of Lancashire).

The panel scoring the applications will be constituted from members of the Southwest Postgraduate Medical Education Deanery (Peninsula & Severn) Senior Education Teams.

All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by email no later than Friday 9th August 2024

Any funding awarded will be conditional on the applicant providing PGME with a copy of their acceptance letter or email from the University or provider confirming their place on the course. This must be received by PGME no later than Sunday 25th August 2024. Failure to provide this evidence will result in funding being withdrawn.

Postgraduate Doctors in Training are able to be reimbursed separately for travel and accommodation in line with the study leave guidance.

A copy of the email from Southwest Postgraduate Medical Education Deanery will be provided to the Educational Supervisor/TPD of the training programme to inform them that the PGDiT has been successful and will be undertaking the course for which they applied.

The Southwest Postgraduate Medical Education Deanery (Peninsula & Severn) will have paid 50% of the courses in advance. The University/provider will invoice applicants for the remaining balance directly.

Applications will not be accepted if a PGDiT has started the course. Retrospective payments will not be made.


Review of the Award

Upon completion of the funded course, the successful applicant must provide evidence of completion by providing a copy of the awarded certificate or evidence of the required minimum attendance for the course, within 6 weeks of completion. 

If the successful applicant is unable to provide satisfactory evidence of completion of the funded course, they may be asked to reimburse the sum of the awarded fund as provided via this process. 

Within 6 weeks of completing the supported course, the successful applicant is requested to write a summary detailing: 

  • The course that was completed; 
  • Who the course has been completed with (the provider); 
  • What has been learnt on the course; 
  • What are the career benefits of the course; 
  • The quality of the educational content of the course; 
  • If the course would be recommended to a colleague and why. 
  • Your experience of the Funding Process 

This should be sent to

This document will aid the Panel to assess the benefits of the award and any future benefit of the course that was undertaken. 

By accepting the funding, applicants agree to have published their feedback of the course. 

Any concerns or issues relating to this process should be sent to


Review of the Process

This process will be reviewed annually or as necessary.

Amendments may be made during the application and scoring process if inconsistencies, errors or areas of concerns are identified and this will be communicated to affected applicants accordingly.


Important Information

The decision of the Panel is final. Applicants who are unhappy with the bursary process can appeal against the panel decision. The requests need to be sent to; please add in the subject line ‘appeal’. All appeals will be forwarded to the Deputy Postgraduate Dean. Requestors will receive a written response to their appeal. Please note that the PSED Team Leader will be attending these meetings to take notes. Notes from the meetings will be shared with the applicant and kept as evidence of discussion.

The Deanery reserves the right to withdraw its funding or the application at any time.

Funding or sponsorship received from other sources including from non-NHS sources (e.g., university or charity) must be declared.

Please note any sponsorship or funds received from another NHS source will invalidate this application.


For more information about this opportunity please contact:  


Postgraduate Programmes


Postgraduate programmes offered by University of Plymouth

PGCert Clinical Education

Explore education theory and how it can apply to teaching in the clinical environment. This one year postgraduate certificate programme is designed to meet your needs if you are a doctor, dentist or healthcare professional. Develop knowledge and skills in teaching, learning and assessment, and build your confidence as a clinical educator.



PGCert Healthcare Management, Leadership and Innovation

Enhance your skills in the areas of management, leadership and innovation - required by a wide range of healthcare professionals and health service managers. PGc Healthcare Management, Leadership and Innovation is designed to be a highly flexible entry into management within the health and care service, whether your interests lie in leadership, quality improvement, innovation methodology, organisation development, patient safety, or education.



PGCert Global Health

The pandemic has taught us that health is indeed global and anyone working in the health sector needs to have an awareness of how key global health issues such as climate change, pandemic preparation and management, and health inequalities impact the local health contexts. The global health programme is designed to develop knowledge and skills as innovators, leaders, strategists, advisors, facilitators and medics in global health.




Postgraduate programmes offered by The University of Exeter Medical School

PGCert Clinical Education

There is an increasing need for clinical teachers to hold formal qualifications. Our Clinical Education programmes are suitable for qualified health professionals or intercalating students who want to develop and accredit teaching skills. They provide you with a formal teaching qualification at Masters level, practical experience and a portfolio of teaching that can form the basis for application for membership of clinical education associations.

You’ll look at clinical education from a new and practical standpoint, based on the reality of delivering clinical education in modern healthcare environments. Our flipped classroom teaching (blended: online and face to face) - requiring some online preparation before each module starts - reduces the time you need to take off work and promotes interesting, interactive sessions on contact days. There is a strong emphasis on developing practical skills necessary to do teaching, and appreciating both theory and practice of clinical teaching in clinical environments. You will have the opportunity to develop and refine your teaching techniques using feedback from a variety of sources.

The course is evidence-based, incorporating the latest research (some of which has been carried out by the course tutors) and current issues in academic clinical education. The course content has been carefully matched to requirements for membership of clinical education associations: completion of the certificate will put you in a very strong position to apply for membership of these bodies. This will provide additional recognition of your emerging expertise in teaching and is increasingly required for substantive teaching posts.

This programme is Academy of Medical Educators (AoME) accredited. AoME accreditation means that anyone who successfully completes the course is eligible to apply for Membership of the Academy without the need to go through the full application and assessment process.


Phone: +44 (0)1392 72 72 72      Web: Enquire online


PGCert Healthcare Leadership & Management

Our Healthcare Leadership and Management programme is suitable for all aspiring or established leaders in any health-related discipline.

This course aims to challenge your thinking and help you to become the best health care leader that you can be, refining your communication skills, developing your ability to analyse and evaluate and helping you become a compassionate, inclusive and effective leader of the future. We will support your development as a leader through engagement with both core and advanced concepts in leadership and change, focusing on the delivery of healthcare at team and system level.

You will be taught by experienced lecturer-practitioners to help you to translate research-based evidence into healthcare leadership practice.


Phone: +44 (0)1392 72 72 72       Web: Enquire online


PGCert Public Health

Public health is everyone’s business, now more than ever. In these rapidly changing times, where
knowledge is created at speed and new health challenges are always on the horizon, visionary public
health leadership is urgently needed. This programme aims to equip you with the competencies and
capabilities to become one of those future leaders.

Informed by the increasing importance of a systems approach to health and social care, the
programme examines distributive leadership and the need to develop compassionate and inclusive
leadership attributes, making change through the use of quality improvement methodologies and
the importance of collaboration and boundary spanning

This programme is internationally unique and focuses on moving from knowledge to action. One of
the compulsory modules, Structuring and Solving Public Health Problems, focuses on how to ‘think in
public health’, providing the foundation for the rest of your study and is the only public health
module of its kind in the UK.


Phone: +44 (0)1392 72 72 72       Web: Enquire online


PGCert Genomic Medicine (available both online or as blended delivery)

Genomic medicine is no longer a vision for the future. In the UK, the NHS aims to make genomic sequencing part of routine care. The University of Exeter has invested heavily in genomics, with cross-faculty expertise in cutting-edge technologies and world-leading genomic research.

We are one of seven universities to offer this prestigious programme. A flexible curriculum is taught by world-leading academics in genomics research, including multifactorial traits and pharmacogenomics, and enables you to study cutting-edge genomics and how it is applied to clinical medicine. Developed by NHS England, this MSc programme will educate and train students to work in this rapidly evolving field.

The programmes develop skills and knowledge in bioinformatics, genomic sequencing, rare disorders, cancer, infectious disease, epigenomics and more.


Phone: +44 (0)1392 72 72 72       Web: Enquire online


PGCert Health Data Science

The Health Data Science course will help you develop innovative skills needed to unlock knowledge from complex health data, to address some of the biggest health challenges that we face across the globe today. It combines the expertise of our world-renowned health scientists with experts in mathematics and computer science to develop a better understanding of diseases and to find ways to prevent, treat and cure them.

The programme is taught in a simple structure, starting off with modules designed to provide students with the basic skills in health data science. This is followed by two longer, more applied modules, designed to give students a chance to learn in more depth about two important aspects of health data science in which Exeter researchers excel: health services operational research, and personalised medicine.

University of Exeter is one of only six UK institutions chosen to deliver this training for Health Data Research UK which means that we demonstrated scientific excellence, a track record in postgraduate training, innovative approaches to further education and strong institutional commitment.


Phone: +44 (0)1392 72 72 72       Web: Enquire online


PGCert Health Research Methods

Designed for health researchers, academic clinical fellows, nurses, midwives, allied healthcare professionals and public health professionals, this course helps you play a vital role in making health services better by developing the skills and knowledge needed to enact meaningful change as an effective and confident healthcare practitioner.

Constant changes in healthcare means that highly skilled researchers are in demand for developing, testing, evaluating and implementing evidence-based healthcare in highly complex situations.

Taught by leading international experts and authors in complex interventions research methods, you will study topics such as patient and public involvement, collaborative working, evidence-based practice, complex interventions, health economics, clinical trials and medical statistics.


Phone: +44 (0)1392 72 72 72       Web: Enquire online



Postgraduate programmes offered by The Medics Academy in collaboration with The University of Lancashire

Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Practice, Management and Education

(September 2024 / January 2025 intake ONLY)

This postgraduate programme supports doctors in training to gain a PG Cert which equips them with the skills and knowledge to excel in the next part of their careers. Modules include: Applied Clinical Education (ACE), Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL), Core Principles in Healthcare Leadership (CPHL) and Leader as a Follower (LAAF). With accreditation partners including the University of Central Lancashire and the Healthcare Leadership Academy, successful completion of the programme earns learners two certificates - a PG Cert from the University of Central Lancashire and a certificate in Innovative Leadership, Education and Technology jointly awarded by Medics Academy and The Healthcare Leadership Academy, with additional post-nominals from The Healthcare Leadership Academy. 

Explore this programme now! For further information on the programme or to apply click here:

We will be hosting an online Postgraduate Programmes Information Event in early July and would like to invite you to join us in exploring the available opportunities for you as a trainee from the South West. Please register your interest by filling out the form here:

We are also offering 1-2-1 slots with our academic team to match you with the programme that best supports your educational needs and aspirations. To book a 1-2-1 place please email with the subject line ‘Postgraduate Programme Matching’, and include your name, level of training, and trust in the body of the email.

Nominate a colleague for a leadership or education bursary! If you would like to nominate a trainee to receive a funded bursary for a postgraduate qualification in leadership or education from your region, follow the link: 

Modules to choose from:





  • Applied Clinical Education: This module explores educational theory and builds your skills in teaching and reflection. It allows you to test out and explore different teaching styles, theories of learning, and teaching methods. You will have access to expert faculty of medical educators, 1-to-1 clinics, and personal tutors to help you achieve your goals.
  • Technology Enhanced Learning: Technology now goes hand in hand with delivering high-quality education. This module introduces various forms of technology as well as the educational theory underpinning the use of technology as an educational tool. You will have access to online webinars in various aspects of technology, including sound and video editing, web conferencing, and social media marketing campaigns. You will design and deliver your own project, from teaching a session using technology to developing an AI and machine learning course.
  • Core Principles of Healthcare Leadership: This module is mapped against the six pillars of leadership and gives an introduction to each pillar in turn, such as “leader as a philosopher”. You will develop your own leadership project within a particular discipline, which can be based on leadership, medical education, or innovation. Our module tutors will guide, support, and meet with you throughout the development of your project.
  • Leader as a Follower: Many of the competencies required in leaders are the same qualities needed in effective followers. In this module, we focus on the collaborative skills required in leadership, from how teams work to how communities can be founded and strengthened. You will learn how to coach, mentor, and motivate a team, understand teamwork dynamics, build a community, encourage reflection in teams, and empower a team.
  • Leader as a Communicator: Effective communication is vital in any profession. In this module, you will learn how to present to a group and in public, engage in political campaign communications, and use the written word to ensure your readers remember what you say. You will learn the traditional rules of communication, including the principles of clarity, brevity, and storytelling, as well as tips from those who’ve gained experience over many years. You will engage with both theoretical and practical learning exercises. 

Additional Information

  • Accrediting Partners: Through an innovative partnership with the University of Central Lancashire, all learners who successfully complete the programme, complete their assignments, and submit their workbooks gain 2 certificates: a Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Practice, Management, and Education from the University of Central Lancashire, and a certificate in Innovative Leadership, Education, and Technology jointly awarded by Medis.Academy and The Healthcare Leadership Academy, with additional post-nominals from The Healthcare Leadership Academy.
  • Additional Benefits: Networking opportunities, adult learning experience, ability to study on a postgraduate programme whilst working within the NHS, conference access, tutor support, access to multimodal learning, and exposure to emerging education technologies.




Intermediate Level One Programme (IL1)

(September 2024 / January 2025 intake ONLY)

This leadership development programme is for specialty trainee doctors and dentists (ST1/CT1/IMT1 and above) who are interested in developing their leadership skills to include complex leadership environments and scenarios including crisis management, enabling diversity through leadership, clinically effective leadership and healthcare management. The programme is accredited and supported by UCLan Medical School and The Healthcare Leadership Academy. This practical programme, worth 20 module master's credits, is built on years of experience delivering content to scholars, fellows, and clinicians. On completion of this programme, you will gain a Level 7 leadership qualification.

Annually, there are two enrollment periods, one commencing in March and the other in September. Application submissions for the March intake conclude at the end of January, while applications for the September intake close at the end of July. You can find more information and apply to the programme by visiting the Healthcare Leadership Academy (HLA) Intermediate Level 1 Programme portal.

We will be hosting an online Postgraduate Programmes Information Event in early July and would like to invite you to join us in exploring the available opportunities for you as a trainee from the South West. Please register your interest by filling out the form here:

We are also offering 1-2-1 slots with our academic team to match you with the programme that best supports your educational needs and aspirations. To book a 1-2-1 session, please email with the subject line ‘Postgraduate Programme Matching - NHSE SW’, and include your name, interested postgraduate programme, level of training and trust in the body of the email.

Nominate a colleague for a leadership or education bursary! If you would like to nominate a trainee to receive a funded bursary for a postgraduate qualification in leadership or education from your region, follow the link:


The programme is designed to be completed over 1 year and the programme covers the 6 domains of The Healthcare Leadership Academy (HLA) framework and NHS Leadership Framework. The following curriculum is delivered through a combination of webinars, assignments and online content with a range of speakers, tutors and workshop hosts:

  • The Leader as a Communicator
    • How to define and formulate your message
    • How to use communication channels to raise the impact of your role as a leader
    • Enabling diversity in leadership
  • The Leader as a Manager
    • How to manage people, resources and time
    • What to focus on
    • Healthcare Management
  • The Leader as a Negotiator
    • How to get what you need for yourself, your team and your institution
    • Crisis management
  • The Leader as an Innovator and Entrepreneur
    • How to stand out as an Innovator
    • How to become the future of your organisation
    • Sustainability in Healthcare
    • Technology in Leadership
  • The Leader as a Follower
    • How to empower your team to spread the burden of leadership
  • The Leader as a Philosopher
    • How to do the right thing
    • How to inspire

For further information on the programme or to apply click here:

There are a limited number of funded places for this programme.

We will be hosting an online Postgraduate Programmes Information Event in June and would like to invite you to join us in exploring the available opportunities for you as a trainee from the South West. Please register your interest by filling out the form here:
